Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed! Series 1 – Episode 8: Night of the Living Veg
In this episode of Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed!, Mrs Creecher uses the school’s allotment to hold Class 3C’s ‘Biggest Veg’ competition!
Mrs Creecher uses the school’s allotment to hold Class 3C’s ‘Biggest Veg’ competition!
Determined to outshine Walter Dennis will do anything to grow the biggest veg. Little did he know that JJ’s Gran’s special elixir mixed with Walter’s Dad’s V-V plant food, will transform their plants into giant living, walking, groaning veggies. They turn to Paul the Potato to help them 'smoothie' out the situation!
Trivia from tonight's episode!
Mrs Creecher's Episode Quiz!

What does the winning team get for the biggest veg?

What subject does Class 3C have after gardening?

What other types of veg become evil zombies?

How does Dennis catch Walter cheating?

What smoothie ingredient does Dennis hate?
"Are you sure you're not a zompea?! Stay behind and watch the episode again!"
"You need to dig deeper for the right answers!"
"Getting better! And I thought you had cabbage for brains…"
"Impressive – but try massaging some V-V plant food on your head for a bigger brain…"
"Nearly perfect – are you sure you're not a zompea expert?!"
"Perfect! Come help me take out these mutant veggies with your huge brain!!!"