15 Boss Baby Facts You Never Knew!
These 15 fun Boss Baby facts will tell you everything you need to know about Ted Jnr and the making of this hilarious franchise! How many of them did you already know?
Boss Baby is the hilarious film all about Tim and his mysteriously clever baby brother. When Tim discovers the truth - that his brother is actually a 'Boss Baby' chaos ensues! Are you ready for these 15 fun Boss Baby facts? Find out all about the film, it's sequels and behind the scenes facts about the making of the movie! Want to know the film's weird connection to Lord of the Rings? Then read on! And if you liked these, check out more film facts right here! How about these magical Matilda facts? Or maybe you'll enjoy these fun Paddington Bear facts? And if you're in the mood for more animation, check out these frosty Frozen facts!
1. His Name Isn't Actually Boss Baby

Yes, we hate to break it to you but Boss Baby isn't actually called Boss Baby - that would be weird. His real name? Theodore Lindsay Templeton Jnr. Or, if that's too much of a mouthful, you can just call him Ted.
2. Boss Baby is Based on a Book

The film was inspired by a children's book called, you guessed it, The Boss Baby by Marla Frazee. The film is only loosely based on the book though - there's nothing about Baby Corp in it!
3. Alec Baldwin Plays the Boss Baby

Actor Alec Baldwin plays the Boss Baby himself, although you might recognise his voice from other projects, including Rise of the Guardians, Madagascar and Cats & Dogs. In fact, Cats & Dogs also co-starred his fellow Boss Baby actor, Tobey Maguire!
4. The Film is Set in the 1970s

Boss Baby is actually a flashback film - an older Tim in the present day is explaining to his daughter why having a baby sibling isn't so bad. Tim was a child in the 1970s, so that's why the technology and fashion might look a little bit different to you!
5. Alec Baldwin Has a Lot of Babies in Real Life

Maybe the reason that Alec Baldwin felt he could take on the role of Boss Baby is because he's had a lot of experience with babies in real life! Alec Baldwin has EIGHT children, so he must be an expert in all things baby by now!
6. There is a Lord of the Rings Connection

Miles Bakshi, who plays seven year old Tim, is from a family of movie makers - his granddad is Ralph Bakshi, who made the classic animated Lord of the Rings film in 1978. There are actually a lord LOTR reference in the film: Tim's Gandalf alarm clock which says some of Gandalf's most famous phrases!
7. There is a Reference to another Alec Baldwin Film in Boss Baby

When Boss Baby is having a meeting with the other babies, he says 'Cookies are for closers'. This is a reference to the line 'Coffee is for closers' from the film Glengarry Glenross, where Alec Baldwin also plays a businessman - although not a baby or a boss!
8. Tim's Special Song is 'Blackbird' by the Beatles

You might recognise the song Tim's parents sing to him in the film. It's Blackbird, by the Beatles, and since the film is set in the 1970's, it makes sense!
9. Boss Baby's Baby Noises Aren't Real

Well, they are real, but they weren't specially recorded for the film. They're 'stock' baby noises, meaning recordings of baby noises that films use over and over again. in fact, if you listen closely, you can hear that a lot of Boss Baby's noises are identical to the ones baby Tarzan makes in the Disney movie Tarzan!
10. The Film Made a Lot of Money

Boss Baby was super successful - it made over $500 million dollars worldwide! On top of this, it was nominated for awards at the Oscars and the Golden Globes, and was one of the highest grossing films of 2017!
11. The Film Director Has a Cameo

The film's director, Tom McGrath, can be heard in the film playing real-life TV celebrity chef Julia Child! He also has a quick cameo in the sequel, as a Dr Tiffany Hamilton! Speaking of sequels...
12. There's a Sequel

Boss Baby: Family Business, or Boss Baby 2 was the sequel film to Boss Baby. In Boss Baby 2, Tim and Ted are all grown up when Tim's daughter Tina reveals that she is also from Baby Corp! They then drink a special formula to become younger again and help her out!
13. And It Was Mostly Made At Home

Boss Baby 2 was only part way through production when the Covid19 pandemic hit in March 2020. Because of this, most of the film (about75%) was actually made from the artists homes! This meant that the actors couldn't use a professional voice studio - they had to use their closets!
14. Miles Bakshi Wasn't Meant to be Tim

Originally, Miles Bakshi was only there to provide a 'scratch voice'. A scratch voice is a voiceover used when making a film just so the animators can get a feel for the character, but eventually the filmmakers realised Miles was perfect for the role!
15. There's a Spinoff TV Show

Not only is there a sequel film, you can also watch more Boss Baby on Netflix! There are two Boss Baby series; Boss Baby; Back in the Crib and Boss Baby; Back in Business, as well as two special episodes! That's a whole lot of Boss Baby!