20 Educational Malory Towers Jokes!
Class is in session for these hilarious school-themed Malory Towers jokes!
Have you ever wished you could go to Malory Towers? Well, we can't magically send you there - but we can make you laugh with some jokes inspired by the hit series! Prepare to have a laugh - it might be more educational than you think! And real Malory Towers fans won't want to miss our quizzes - why not see how well you know the series, or find out which character you are!
Why did the Malory Towers girls do their maths homework on the floor?
The teacher asked them not to use tables!

Why did Irene take a ladder to music class?
So she could hit the high notes!

Why did Darrell do her homework in the tallest part of Malory Towers?
To get a higher education!

What should you do if Gwendoline rolls her eyes at you?
Pick them up and roll them back!

What did Mary Lou say to her pencil on the first day of school?
“Looking sharp!”

Why did Miss Grayling jump in the sea?
She wanted to test the water!

Why did Gwendoline eat her homework?
Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!

Why did the chocolate want to go to Malory Towers?
He wanted to be a Smartie!

Why was the egg thrown out of class?
It told too many yolks!

Why should Malory Towers teach surfing?
Because it's a boarding school!

Which building at Malory Towers has the most storeys?
The library!

Why could a broom never go to Malory Towers?
They’re always sweeping during class!

Why does the Malory Towers hockey team sweat so much?
They don’t have many fans!

Why did Miss Grayling draw on a window?
She wanted her lesson to be clear!

Darrell: What did you learn in school today?
Alicia: Clearly not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!

Why does the clock in the dining hall run slow?
Because it already went back for seconds!

Why isn’t there a clock in the library at Malory Towers?
Because it tocks too much!

How did Darrell get straight As?
She used a ruler!

What would a witch teach at Malory Towers?

Why did Matron Kathleen have to wear sunglasses?
Because her pupils were too bright!

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