20 Fangtastic I Woke Up a Vampire Jokes!
Fans of I Woke Up A Vampire, rejoice! You're in for a chillingly hilarious time with these fangtastic jokes!
You'll want to sink your fangs into these I Woke Up A Vampire jokes! They're absolutely hilarious - you'll be dying of laughter! And if it's your favourite show, we've got loads more I Woke Up A Vampire stuff for you! Why not try the trivia quiz, learn some fun facts, or find out which character you are?
What is Carmie’s favourite fruit?

What would Madison say if she had a YouTube channel?
"Lycan subscribe!"

How does Carmie get into the house?
Through the bat flap!

Why are vampires so impulsive?
They never reflect on things!

What do you call the vampire who went to the beach?

What’s the most important holiday in the Henley house?

What is Carmie’s favourite cereal?
Ready Neck!

What did the Shapeshifter say to the Collector?
“Be ya, wouldn’t wanna see ya!”

How do you know if a vampire is ill?
They can’t stop coffin!

Where does the Shapeshifter keep her money?
In a blood bank!

Why are vampires such good friends?
You can always count on them!

What can you call Madison when she’s confused?
An unaware-wolf!

What is Carmie’s Starbucks order?

What is Carmie’s favourite ice-cream flavour?

Why did Carmie take a ladder when she left the house?
She heard the stakes were high!

What is the Collector’s favourite cheese?

Why doesn’t Carmie like mosquitoes?
Too much competition!

What is a vampire’s favourite soup?
Scream of tomato!

How does Carmie get a torch to work?
With bat-teries!

What should you never yell at Carmie during an argument?
"Bite me!"

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