20 Budgie Jokes & Puns to Bring You Out of Your Cage!
Dont get in a flap! Tweet yourself to these brilliantly bird-brained budgie jokes!
Budgies are pretty funny looking animals! They're like parrots but smaller! If you're a fan of their little round bodies and that shuffly sidestep thing they do, you'll be sure to like these 20 budgie gags! So don't hang around, have a hoot at these feathered funnies!
For more zoo-larious animal gags, check out these alpaca jokes, these mole jokes, or even these badger jokes!
Ok, back to budgies!
Did you hear about the broke ornithologist?
His budgie-ting skills were horrible!

One budgie can't finish an entire bowl of Fruit Loops...
...but Toucan!

I was only going to buy one budgie, but in the end I got two...
They were going cheep!

Why does the toothless budgie always win?
It suckseeds!

What do you give a budgie with a headache?

Why couldn't the little bird get into the birdhouse?
...the door wouldn't budgie!

Disney's latest movie features a giant bird crashing into a city
It's a big budgie block buster!

Did you hear about the man who caught flu from a budgie?
It was untweetable!

Two budgies are sitting on a perch...
One says to the other one 'I think I can smell fish'!

My massive budgie flew away today...
Sad, but it's a huge weight off my shoulders!

My budgie is allergic to nickel...
So I bought him a Nickeless Cage!

My geometry teacher is really upset that her pet budgie died yesterday...
Polly gone!

My budgie can speak, but only really rude things aimed at me...
It’s a mockingbird!

Why did the budgie cross the road?
So he could use the cross-squawk!

What’s a budgie’s favourite haircut?
A mosquawk!

What’s the difference between budgie flu and pig flu?
One needs tweetment, the other needs oinkment!

Why do budgies fly south for the winter?
It’s too far to walk!

What do you call a budgie that's afraid of heights?
A chicken!

I went to a pet store last week...
I was looking for some budgies going cheap!

I got sacked for overfeeding budgies at my local pet shop...
I was caught with my hand in the trill!

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