20 Private Investigator Jokes & Puns
Uncover the shocking truth about these hilariously funny private investigator puns and punchlines! Magnifying glass not included!
Who do you turn to when you need answers? When you can trust nobody? Well, you can always rely on these 20 Private Investigator jokes and puns, that's who! So grab your briefcase, magnifying glass and evidence bag - we're gonna blow this case wide open!
If these PI gags are too mysterious for you, you can always check out these instead! We've got these scientist jokes, these engineering jokes, and even these thumb jokes! Cor!
If you're ready to get to the bottom of this barrel of laughs, it's probably about time we get back to the job at hand! These case-cracking Private Investigator jokes!
Did you hear about the private investigator who dropped his phone?
He cracked the case!

What did the private investigator say after finding a calculator?
"Hmm... Now everything is starting to add up!"

What did the private investigator name his dog?

What do you call a private investigator who just solves cases accidentally?
Sheer Luck Holmes!

What’s a good name for a private investigator?
Mr E!

I’m starting a company that’s part carpentry, part private investigation
I'll call it, I Saw That!

If a private investigator is called a private eye, what do you call a pirate investigator?
A privateer!

What would you call Donald Duck if he became a private investigator?
A duck-tective!

What does a private investigator call a short investigation?
A briefcase!

Why was Prince's housekeeper offered a job as a crime scene investigator?
She had decades of experience dusting for Prince!

What do you call a dog private detective?
Snoop Dogg!

What do you call a private investigator at sea?
A P-aye!

I'm the leader of a group of shoddy private investigators
I'm a directive defective detective!

I hired a private investigator but he spent two days staring at my hedges
Turned out he was a privet investigator!

I enrolled in an online Private Investigator Course but they’re not answering
I'm not sure if they’re just ignoring me or if this is my first case!

Why won’t a private investigator tell you their password?
It’s case sensitive!

What do you call a Private Investigator who is bad at his job?
A Defective!

What did the private investigator in the Arctic say to the suspect?
Where were you on the night of September to March?

Guess what private investigators do on their day off?
They throw caution tape to the wind!

What do call a crocodile detective?
An investigator!

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