20 Knight Jokes To Laugh Your Armour Off To!
These chivaleous jokes will have you laughing so hard, your armour will be clanking!
Love to have a laugh about medieval times? Then these are the jokes for you! You'll laugh so hard, your helmet will snap shut! Don;t forget to try some of our other jokes while you're here - have a laugh about the Romans, or Shakespeare!
What do you call a knight who’s also a priest?
Sir Mon!

Who is the wimpiest knight in the court?
Sir Render!

What do you call a knight who loves snakes?
Sir Pent!

What is a princess’s favourite time?
Knight time!

Which knight always goes to bed on time?
Sir Cadian Rhythm!

Who’s the grumpiest knight?
Sir Lee!

Which knight wrote books?
King Author!

What’s the worst thing for dragons when knights bring them a birthday cake?
Blowing out the candles!

What did King Arthur name the extra knight?
Sir Plus!

What eats more knights than a dragon?
Two dragons!

Why is Camelot so famous?
It has great knight life!

Why were medieval times called the Dark Ages?
Because there were so many knights!

Which knight loves to eat steak?
Sir Loin!

Who is the most confident knight in the court?
Sir Tenlee!

Why is Lancelot always tired?
He works the knight shift!

Who is the weirdest knight in the court?
Sir Eel!

Where do knights go to learn?
Knight school!

Why do dragons love to eat knights?
They love canned food!

Why were the king’s men so tired?
Too many sleepless knights!

Who’s the roundest knight at King Arthur’s table?
Sir Cumference!

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