20 Get Well Soon Jokes To Cheer Someone Up!
These jokes are sure to bring sunshine to someone who needs a laugh!
We all get a little under the weather sometimes, and they say that laughter is the very best medicine! These marvelous medical jokes are perfect to help you or a loved one get well soon - careful you don't hurt your stomach from laughing! And we've got more jokes if you just can't get enough! Try some hospital jokes, or maybe some happiness jokes for an extra emotional boost!
Where’s the worst place to hide in a hospital?
The ICU!

Did you hear about the Minion who fell ill?
He had yellow fever!

Nurse: “Sorry to keep you waiting!”
Me: “Oh don’t worry, I’m patient!”

What’s the one upside of bird flu?
It's easily tweetable!

How do you know when a vampire is ill?
He won’t stop coffin!

I don’t think this joke about vaccines is very funny…
But I’m willing to give it a shot!

I have a joke about the flu…
But I hope you don't get it!

What do you call an astronomer with food poisoning?
A gastrophysicist!

Did you hear about the kid who was hospitalised after swallowing ten plastic horses?
He’s in a stable condition!

What do you call it when the hospital runs out of maternity nurses?
A midwife crisis!

When is it good news to hear that your wife and then your daughter were admitted to hospital?
The day your daughter is born!

My dad called me today to say that he was in the hospital…
I said, I know, you’re there every day – you’re a doctor!

Did you hear about the optician who fell into a lens grinder?
He made a spectacle of himself!

I’ve heard an apple a day will keep the doctor away…
Depends how good your aim is, though!

Why was the martial artist in hospital?
He had kung flu!

What do you call a unicorn who keeps up to date with his vaccinations?
An immunicorn!

Why shouldn’t you eat the leftover sushi?
You might feel a bit eel!

What’s the most flattering thing about being ill?
Knowing that germs find you irresistible!

Why do Lego minifigures go to the hospital?
Plastic surgery!

Look on the bright side…
At least you don’t have to wear a cone!

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