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Star Wars Recap! – How Much Can Matt Remember?

We asked Matt to remember the entire plot from every Star Wars film ever! Want to find out if he can can do it?

Star Wars Recap! – How Much Can Matt Remember?

We asked Matt to remember the entire plot from every Star Wars film ever! Want to find out if he can can do it?

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

What with it being Star Wars Day and all, here at the Beano we wanted to find a way to celebrate May the Fourth and we thought, well, why not get Matt to try and recap everything that happened in every Star Wars film ever!

But if you thought that sounded easy, you might need to think again!

Not only are there a whopping 9 movies, there’s also a whole load of characters to remember so it’s fair to say it’s going to be a tricky task for Matt to remember everything that happened in a galaxy far, far away.

Want to find out if he can do it? Then check out the video now!