Take the Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz If You Know Your Wizards!
From spells to magical creatures, this Harry Potter quiz will test your knowledge. See how much you really know!
Let's find out if you're a total quizzard or a Dursley with this ultimate Harry Potter quiz!
The world hasn't been the same since 1997. It’s over a couple of decades older, for a start. That's the year J.K. Rowling published Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, and introduced us to the Hogwarts school, Harry’s pet owl Hedwig and the know-all student Hermione Granger. But as you're a Harry Potter wiz, so you knew these things already, right? Of course you did.
To test your wizarding trivia capabilities, we’ve crafted 27 tricky questions for you to answer; this quiz asks questions based on the Harry Potter films AND books! Even Harry might have to take a moment to select the right answers here. Don’t be fooled by the first couple of questions, there are some challenging ones for you to attempt. And, if you're in need of a Time Turner when you're done, don't worry – you can re-take the quiz until you get top marks and tame the ultimate Harry Potter trivia we've got for you here.
So, are you a master of muggles, smart with spells and informed about invisibility or are you a Dudley Dursley? You might just stand a chance of scoring a perfect score on this magical test! Do your best, and try not to use any trivia spells to help you complete the questions! If you liked this quiz, then why not take our Harry Potter House Quiz or our Expert Harry Potter Quiz!

What does Harry accidentally do when he goes to the zoo?

What's Harry's mum Lily's surname before she marries Harry's dad?

Which of these is NOT a book by Gilderoy Lockhart?

What's the name of Dudley Dursely's dad?

What kind of hat is this?

How many Harry Potter books are there in total?

Who wrote them all?

In which year was Harry born?

What shape scar does Harry have on his forehead?

Who does Harry live with before going to Hogwarts?
11/27 What are Hufflepuff's house colours?

A lion features on the badge for Gryffindor house. True or false?

Can you name the other 3 Hogwarts houses?

What is a 'muggle'?

What is the name of Hermione Granger's cat?

What’s the name of Hogwarts School’s gamekeeper?

How tall is Hagrid in the films?

What did Dobby have stuck to his back?

What is inside Harry’s wand?

How many brothers and sisters does Ron Weasley have?

What make is the flying car in Harry Potter?

Who was at the driver’s wheel in The Chamber Of Secrets?

Who is the oldest Weasley Brother?

What is the name of Harry Potter’s arch enemy?

What does Ron see in the Mirror of Erised?

Bludgers, snitches, and quaffles are all used in which sport?

What does Madame Pomfrey do?

Oh dear! Better luck next time!

Not bad! A few more classes at Hogwarts and you could be a wizard!

Great! You certainly know your world of wizardry!

You're some sort of quiz wizard! A quizzard, even.
Quiz Writer: Beano Quiz Team
The Beano Quiz team love writing quizzes, from Emoji Quizzes, Personality Quizzes, Trivia Quizzes to Animal Quizzes. If you love it, we’ve probably written a quiz on it!
Ever wondered what Hogwarts House you’d be in? Well, wonder no more, because we’ve got the quiz that puts the Sorting Hat into second place! Whether you reckon you’re Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw, you can trust Beano.com to point you in the right direction. When it comes to Harry Potter quizzes, on a scale of 1-10, we are 9 ¾ obsessed!
We created this quiz so you can tell everyone how to correctly pronounce Wingardium Leviosa (not just you, Hermione Granger!)