Are You a Max or a Grinch?
Are you Max the dog, or will your heart grow three sizes today just like the Grinch? Find out with this Christmassy quiz just how much festive cheer is in you!
It's time to find out once and for all - do you love Christmas like Max the dog, or do you HATE IT like the Grinch? It's time to see if you're full of festive cheer- take this quiz and we'll tell you! And if you liked this, there's loads more Christmas quizzes and fun right here! How about this ultimate Christmas trivia quiz? Or maybe you're ready for an international food Christmas quiz! We've even got this what kind of Santa are you? quiz!

What's the best thing about Christmas?

Pick someone from the Nativity story!

Choose a Christmas song!

Pick a Christmas treat next!

Choose a traditional Christmas character!

Where would you most like to celebrate Christmas?

What's your worst Christmas habit?

Choose a version of Santa Claus

Choose another holiday!

Finally, what would make your heart grow three sizes?

You are: Max!
Hooray, you're Max! Like Max , the Grinch's underappreciated sidekick, you love all things Christmas and just wish the Grinch did too! But you know that secretly he has a great big heart!

You are: The Grinch!
Bah, humbug! You're mostly like the Grinch, which means you HATE Christmas! Who hurt you? And how can Max convince you that Christmas is a magical time of caring and sharing? Feeling sick yet?

You are: Cindy Lou Who!
You're just like Cindy Lou Who! You haven't been alive long enough to understand that you can't make the Grinch love Christmas, so you're going to do your best to try!

You are: The Lorax!
Uhhh....you're like the Lorax, who doesn't have anything to do with Christmas. Be honest, did you click answers at random? Yeah, sounds like something the Lorax would do!