What’s Your Grinch-Like Holiday Habit?
Let's find out what your secret Grinchy habit is! Do you secretly hate everything red and green? Or are you glad the Grinch nearly stole Christmas? Let's find out!
Bah, humbug! We know that Christmas is meant to be a time for love and joy and happiness...but it's not always easy! So we've put together this quiz to tell you what your secret guilty Grinch trait is! Do you secretly hate Christmas food? Or maybe you don't want to join in any reindeer games? Let's find out! And if you loved that, we've got more Christmas quizzes right here! What about this Santa's squad quiz? Or how about an ugly Christmas jumper quiz? We've even got this could you replace Santa quiz!

What's the worst thing about Christmas?

Choose a Christmas film

Choose a hideous Christmas jumper design...

Choose a Christmas villain!

Pick a gross Christmas food

Where would you rather be?

Choose a Dr Seuss character

Choose a Disney film now...

Choose a ghost from a Christmas carol

Finally: pick a carol!

You hate giving presents!
Uh oh, you're not gonna be very popular this year, because you haaaate giving presents! There's no upside! It's stressful, it's expensive, and most of the time people don't even like what you get them!

You hate forced fun!
There's nothing that fills you with dread more than this phrase: family charades. You're just NOT the sort of person who likes games or joining in with anything - you want to be left alone!

You hate family time!
You know, you know, it's a time for family, blah blah blah, but listen, if people had met your family, they'd understand. Why can't Christmas be a time for sitting by yourself playing videogames and eating snacks?

You hate Santa!
Uh oh, don't let him find out - the one thing about Christmas you despise above all else is the jolly man himself - Father Christmas! Maybe its the twinkle in his eye, maybe its how he's so merry, or maybe its that his belly jiggles when he laughs like a bowlful of jelly. Either way - you hate him!