What Is Your Inner Grinch Colour?
Not everyone is a massive fan of festive fun, but what colour is your inner Grinch?!
The Grinch really doesn't like Christmas. After all, he’s green with envy when he looks at all the Whos having a great time, but if you suddenly turned into someone who's not a fan of Christmas, what colour would you be? Why not give this quiz a go and see where on the anti-festive rainbow you’d fall?! The answer might surprise you!

Which month is your favourite?

What does Christmas mean to you?

What is your favourite festive food?

Santa has come to visit early, what do you do?

What do you like doing for fun?

The Christmas tree has fallen over, what do you do?

Which season of the year do you feel the most comfortable?

It’s started to snow, what do you do?

What is the greatest gift of all?

Your dog, Max, has gone missing - where do you look?

You’re the classic Grinch! There’s no hiding your disdain for Christmas fun, all the presents - who cares? The big steaming plates of food? What a waste! You’re the kind of person who wears their inner Grinch on the outside and that’s okay! Don’t worry though, you can always hide in a Christmas tree shop!

Nice! You hide your inner Grinch deep down and paint it red as Santa’s cloak. You're not that keen on Christmas fun, and would rather the whole thing didn’t happen, but you’re okay with other people enjoying themselves, just leave the presents at the door right? Don’t worry, it won’t be Christmas for too much longer!

Rainbow coloured!
Awesome! So your inner Grinch isn’t just one colour but lots! That’s because although you’re not the biggest fan of Christmas you understand that lots of people are, and it’s okay to let them enjoy themselves! Everyone’s enjoyment is important so light up those fairy lights and make sure everyone has a nice time! Let's light it up for everyone!

That’s right! You love Christmas, there isn’t anything Grinchy about you at all! You wear your love of Christmas on your sleeve and you’re not afraid to shout it from the top of the Christmas tree! You’re a through and through lover of the Christmas spirit and proud of it! It’s a wonderful time of the year, and there’s no space for Grinch behaviour! Nice one!