Which Grinch Movie or Adaptation Matches Your Vibe?
Which version of the Grinch most matches your unique personality? Are you musical, live-action, or animated? Take the quiz and find out!
There are a LOT of adaptations of Dr Seuss' most famous book - more than you might think! Some are animated, some are live-action, and some are full of musical numbers! But which one is the most you? This quiz will assess your Christmas vibes and match you to an adaptation - and it might give you something fun to watch! We've got lots more Grinchy quizzes for you when you're done, too - why not find out if you're more Max or Grinch, or see which part of the Grinch's redemption arc you are!

Choose a Christmassy sweet treat!

Choose another Christmas film!

What's your favourite kind of winter weather?

What's the best part of Christmas dinner?

What's going on top of your Christmas tree?

What's the best part of Christmas?

Where would you like to spend an unusual Christmas?

Choose a Christmas outfit!

Choose somewhere to spend Christmas Eve!

Choose a Christmassy creature!

The Musical!
You best suit the stage adaptation, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical" It's bright, it's fun, and it's full of your favourite thing - singing! If you're lucky you might be able to catch a live production, but there is a filmed TV version from 2020 that you might be able to watch!

Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
This is the classic animated adaptation of the book, and if you haven't seen it you need to, right now! You love the classics, and you're a big fan of traditional animation, so this film is perfect for you!

How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
Your vibe totally matches the live-action film, starring Jim Carrey! You're a funny person wholoves to make your friends laugh, so this adaptation is just perfect for you!

The Grinch!
This fun animated adaptation of the classic Christmas story is just perfect for you! You have a laid back vibe, and you love to experience new things!