Christmas Dinner Quiz: What Christmas Food Are You?
Everyone likes Christmas dinner - but does Christmas dinner like you? Find out whether you're the pigs in blankets, turkey, roast potatoes or sprouts! (Ewwww)

What did you get for Christmas last year?

Did you eat anything before Christmas Dinner?

Do you want some gravy?

Pick a main dish

How does the idea of a vegetarian Christmas make you feel?

You pull a cracker and a bad joke falls out. What does yours say?

Will you be wearing your cracker hat?

Pick a Christmas Carol:
9/15 You've made a snowman but have run out of carrots. What do you use to make the nose?
10/15 Pick a Christmas movie:

Did you leave any room for dessert?

What is the true meaning of Christmas?

Do you eat anything else after Christmas dinner?

Your aunt suggests you all play Monopoly. What do you do?

What are you watching on the TV?

At Christmas you are the centre of attention and everyone wants a piece of you. But the rest of the year nobody pays you much attention and you can be a bit dry sometimes.

Roast Potatoes
You have a reputation for being a little bit boring, but deep down you are everyone's favourite really

Brussels Sprouts
You stink a little but forget that! You're the healthiest thing on the table and you'll always be invited to dinner.

Pigs in Blankets
You might be delicious, but also a bit disgusting when you think about it. Who cares?! You're the tastiest bit of Christmas and it wouldn't be the same without you!