Gen 3 Pokemon Quiz For Master Trainers
What's a Gorebyss? A Mudkip? How about a Wurmple? Flex your Pokedex knowledge with this epic Gen 3 Pokemon quiz!
Generation 3 was one of the biggest releases of fresh Pokemon - and they added Pokemon of all types! Water, electric, bug, grass, poison... you name it! But how many of these classic Pokemon do you remember? Test your Pokemon naming skills with this tricky picture quiz! Good luck!

Which Pokemon from Gen 3 is this?

And what's the name of this Gen 3er?

Woah! This is a strange creature. It's... who?

Next up we have... who?

It's a gorilla-like, normal-type Pokemon. But what's it called?

And who is this elegant Pokemon?

Next up we have... who?

It's not a cactus, it's... what?

This is an intriguing and rare Pokemon. But what's it called?

It's a fast-swimming water-type Pokemon. It's... well, you tell us!

Bah! Unlucky! Mudkip here is not too impressed with this score. You should probably go back and swot up on your Gen 3 Pokemon - and then have anpother go at this quiz! Better luck next time, Pokemon fan!

Pretty good! This is definitely an OK score. You did good, Pokemon fan! You didn't quite manage a high score, do you know where you went wrong? Let's have anpther ho and see if you can beat this score the next time round!

Wahoo! Well done! This is a really good score - you got almost 10/10! Do you know where you went wrong? You clearly know loads about Pokemon - but do you think you can beat this score on a differenttrivia quiz? We have lots more to try!

Wahoo! Wowee! This is a real high score! Grumpig is overjoyed at this perfect score! Great work! You literally can't beat this 10/10 result - but do you think you can match it on a different Pokemon quiz? Let's find out!