Can You Spot The Real Answers In This Is It Cake Quiz?
Which answers are real, and which are cake - we mean, fake? It's up to you to spot the difference in this challenging quiz!
If the "is it cake" meme was your favourite, you've probably already devoured every episode of Is It Cake? (pun intended)! This quiz will see is you were really paying attention to the show - will you win, or will you be deceived by our fake answers? And don't forget to try some of our other quizzes when you're done - why not see how well you know Dance Moms, or Strictly Come Dancing?

Where can you watch Is It Cake?

Who presents the show?

True or false - it's based on a meme!

What year did the show start?

How much money do the winners of each episode receive?

How many celebrity judges appear in each episode?

What's the prize in the finale?

In which season did Rebecca Black appear as a guest judge?

What item did the bakers have to make in the very first episode of the show?

Which Queer Eye star appeared as a judge?

Oh no - looks like you have trouble spotting real facts among the fake! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go!

Not bad - you know a little about the show! Well done! But can you up your score? We bet you can - why not try again and see?

Very good! You know a lot about the show - well done! You're not quite the biggest expert yet, though - maybe you can come back and earn the title of Ultimate Cake Champion!

Wow, a perfect score! Well done! Not only do you know everything about the show, you can probably identify any hidden cake, immediately!