Take Our Superpowered Superhero Emoji Quiz!
Superheroes, we all know them, but how many of them can you guess just by looking at emojis?!
There are so many Superheroes out there, all with their own amazing talents and abilities, it’s almost as if someone just made them up! But with all these curious characters flying around the place it’s hard to know all of them - but how about knowing them just from emojis? Now that’s a real skill - so why not test your own Emoji superpowers right here?!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Name this superhero!

Ooops! Not your finest work! But that’s ok, She Hulk doesn’t give up just because something has gone wrong! She picks up her briefcase, and the table, and the chairs, and simply keeps on going! So why not have another go and see if you can be a real-life quiz superhero?!

Nice! We’re getting there! Good result! With a knowledge like this the evil villains of the world have got a real challenge on their hands! Why not have another go and see if you can unlock and unleash your inner quiz superhero?!

Let’s go! Now this is getting pretty super! Your knowledge of superheroes is excellent, and so is your ability to work them out with the simplest of clues! Does that count as a super power? We think it might just! Well done! Why not have another go and see if you can get 100% right?

Amazing! You’re a real superhero of the quiz world! When the other heroes don’t know what to do they call on you! Very, very epic, well done! She Hulk and the rest of the gang would be very proud of you, but true super strength comes from within - so give yourself a pat on the back!