York Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
How well do you know one of the most historic cities in England?
York is an ancient, beautiful cathedral city about halfway between two great capitals, London and Edinburgh! If you've been, you already know there's so much to do - museums, restaurants, shops, and more! Have you absorbed all the York knowledge, though? Do you know when it was founded, how many ghosts have been reported, or how many pubs the city has? Get ready for a brain-teasing trivia quiz!
Odds are, if you're reading this you're a little bit of a geography buff! Why not have a go at our Cambridge quiz, test your knowledge on Manchester, or prove you're a total expert on Sheffield?

Which English county is York in?

What year was York founded?

York is one of the most haunted cities in the world! Do you know how many ghosts are estimated to live here?

Which famous historical figure who tried to blow up Parliament was from York?

What's the Viking name for the city?

The famous street known as the Shambles used to be a ...?

York is home to a famous museum that houses the world's biggest collection of ...?

How many pubs can you find in York?

York Minster is the oldest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe - true or false?

York is home to the shortest street with the longest name in the world - but what is it called?

Oh no, looks ike you don't know everything about York! Don't worry, you can always take the quiz again and bring your score up!

Hey, pretty good effort! You clearly know a thing or two about York! Why not try again and see if you can bring your score up?

Good job! You know a lot about York! You could have another go and make your score absolutely perfect!

Wow, you know EVERYTHING about York! You must be the head of the York tourism board, or a very keen enthusiast - maybe a bit TOO keen...