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How Embarrassing Is Your Brother?

How embarrassing is that annoying brother of yours? Answer these 10 super-scientific questions and we'll find out once and for all!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Obviously your brother is embarrassing. But the question is, how embarrassing? Maybe he's just a bit cringe, or maybe he's so embarrassing he makes you want to be swallowed up by the ground. The only way to find out for sure is to take this hilarious family quiz!

Ready? Let's get going!

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What would your brother say when he walks into a room?


Which of these hats would he most like to wear?


Your brother is... what?


When your brother eats dinner, what usually happens?


What kind of music does your brother listen to?


Would you ever let your brother hang out with your friends?


Your brother is... what?


You're going out for a family meal. What does your bro wear to it?


What is your brother's favourite hobby?


What's your brother's most embarassing habit?

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Your brother isn't THAT embarrassing!

We've seen a few brothers, and yours is definitely not the most embarrassing! In fact, he sounds kind of fun to hang around with! Don't agree? If you think we've got this one wrong just have another go at this quiz and see what you get next time!

Your brother is pretty embarrassing!

Well, your bro is embarrassing. No doubt about it. But he's not the most embarrassing brother ever - so you can be thankful for that. In fact, your brother is only mostly embarrassing, instead of bring a full-blown cringe-lord. Not sure about this? Take this quiz again and see what you get next time!

Your brother is REALLY embarrassing!

Oh no! Unlucky! Your bro is indeed very, very embarrassing! We're very sorry for all the embarrassment he puts your through. The only good news is that actually, as bad it seems, he's not the MOST embarrassing brother ever. Not sure about this result? Take this quiz again and see what you get next time!

You have the most embarrassing brother ever!

Oh no! Terrible news! Your brother is officially the most embarrassing brother in the entire world! Noooo! We hope this gets better for you at sone point. Having second thoughts? Take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!

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