The Stupid School Quiz: English!
How well do you know the English language? Take this amazing quiz and find out!
Let's do this!

What does 'fartlek' mean?

Which British writer wrote about a farting dog in Two Gentlemen From Verona?

What is a snollygoster?

'Penguins flies' or 'a penguin flies. Which one is correct?

What could 'wabbit' possibly mean?

If a rooster laid an egg on top of the farmer's roof, which direction did it roll?

What is the definition of 'malinger'?

If someone had the 'collywobbles', how would they feel?

Which letter of the alphabet could sting?
10/10 What type of person is a 'panjandrum'?

Oh dear! Why not have another go and try to get a better score?

Good effort! Not a bad score, but why not try again and see if you can do even better?

Great work! You've got a big thumbs up for Bill Shakespeare!

Amazing! Not even the sneaky trick questions could stop you from getting a perfect score!