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20 Robin Hood Jokes That Look Good in Green

You don't need to battle your way out of boredom, just check out these giggle-worthy Robin Hood jokes!

Once you're finished laughing at these, why not check out some TV, Cinderella or Shrek jokes! 

Why does Robin Hood wear tights under his tunic?

Because he doesn't want to wear them on top!

The Merry Men robbed a music store last night...

They made off with the lute!

The Merry Men were caught with a load of stolen batteries and fireworks...

One of them was charged, and the other was let off!

Robin Hood stole 30 crates of Red Bull...

I don't know how he sleeps at night!

Why doesn't Robin Hood steal from the probability shop?

He doesn't want to take his chances!

Why did the owner of the liquor store love Robin Hood?

He always lifted their spirits!

What happened when Robin Hood stole a truck of soap?

The police say he made a clean get away!

What did Robin Hood get when he hit the bullseye?

A very angry bull!

Why couldn't Robin Hood hit the target?

Because his arrows were all in a quiver!

Why wouldn't Robin Hood's bow work properly?

Because it was a crossbow!

Where did Robin's Merry Men go to buy their sweets?

The Friar's Tuck-shop!

How did Robin Hood tie his shoe-laces?

With a long bow!

Friar Tuck was a monk, so why did he get involved in a life of crime?

It was a habit!

What's Robin Hood's least favourite font?

The Serif of Nottingham!

What do you call Legolas, Robin Hood, and Katniss Everdeen when they’re leaving?


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