Match the Quote to the Star Wars Villain Quiz
Are you ready for these Star Wars villain quotes? Can you match them all to their evil sources? Let's find out with this Star Wars villain quote quiz!
Are there any more iconic villains in this galaxy than the baddies of Star Wars? Only a true fan can match these quotes to the villain! Good luck...and may the force be with you! And if you enjoyed this, we've got loads more Star Wars stuff here! Ready for more evil? How about this which villain are you quiz? Or how about answering some Star Wars questions and finding out how much you love capybaras? And how about this hard Star Wars prequel quiz?

Let's start with an easy one - who says 'No...I am your father?'

True or false: Boba Fett never says anthing?

What is Darth Vader's first line?

Which of these is a General Hux quote?

Who says: 'I find your lack of faith disturbing'?

Who does Snoke say this to: 'You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.'?

Which of these is a Kylo Ren quote?

Who's this: 'Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally'?

What did Jabba the Hutt say?

Finally, who said 'Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father. So I destroyed him.'?

Uh oh! You didn't manage to match any quotes to their evil villain, but fear not! The force is strong with you, and you can have another go!

Hmm you've seen the films, but were you really listening? Try again!

Nice job, young Sith...you have pleased the dark forces greatly! Ready to get 100% next time?

Brilliant! You've truly absorbed all the evil in the galaxy, because you got 10/10! Muahahahaha!