20 Jumpin' Jellyfish Jokes and Puns!
Dive right in with these swimmingly hilarious jellyfish jokes and puns!
We're diving into the deep blue for some shore-some jokes! We bet you never stopped to think about how funny jellyfish are - and with these jokes and puns, you won't be able to stop laughing! Don't forget, we've always got more jokes - why not have a laugh with some octopus jokes, turtle jokes, or mermaid jokes!
How do jellyfish get to school?
By octo-bus!

Why didn’t the jellyfish get along with the tuna?
They went to different schools!

What is a jellyfish’s favourite song?
“Don’t Stop Be-reefing!”

How do jellyfish like to travel?
In a jellycopter!

What is a jellyfish’s favourite game?
Stardew Jelly!

How do jellyfish keep up with the news?
They listen to current events!

Why do jellyfish make bad scientists?
Because they’re brainless!

Why did the jellyfish cross the ocean?
To get to the other tide!

How do jellyfish greet each other?

What’s a jellyfish’s favourite sweet?

What did the jellyfish say to the crab?
“Stop being so shellfish!”

What is a jellyfish’s favourite classical music?
Anything with a good sting section!

Why are jellyfish so bad at lying?
They're transparent!

How do jellyfish pay for things?
With sand dollars!

What do you call a jellyfish detective?
An undercover sting!

What is a jellyfish’s favourite game?
Sting pong!

How do you start a conversation with a jellyfish?
Just dive right in!

Why are jellyfish so bad at confrontation?
Because they’re spineless!

Why did the jellyfish blush?
Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

Why was the jellyfish sad?
Because there was no peanutbutterfish!

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