20 Cruise Ship Jokes That Seas The Day
Set sail for some seriously funny cruise ship punchlines! If you're after some nautical nonsense then these 20 luxurious cruise ship gags are worth the voyage!
Cruises are a great way to see the world without having to move from your sun lounger or put down your nice cold drink. But if you can't afford to go on one don''t worry - we've come up with 20 hilarious cruising jokes so you can have a laugh at them instead! So read on to find out what you call a cruise ship full of footballers, or what vegetable isn't allowed on board!
And if you're looking for EVEN MORE jokes we've got you covered there, too! We've got all sorts - chicken jokes, toilet jokes, even ice cream jokes!
Jokes everywhere!
My wife said is nervous about meeting people on our upcoming cruise
I said “don’t worry. We are all on the same boat!”

Lots of my friends enjoy going on cruises
I'm not onboard with that, though!

What do you get when you cross a hurricane with a cruise ship full of 1990's boy bands?
Washed up musicians!

People think Tom Cruise is short for a man
It's actually short for "Thomas Cruise"

I want to take a cruise around the coast of Finland…
But can I afjord it?

What do you call a cruise full of college graduates?
A scholar-ship!

What vegetable isn’t allowed on cruise ships?

A cruise passenger asks the Captain, “How far away is land?” “3 miles” he answers
“That’s not too bad, in which direction?” she asks. The Captain replied, “Down!”

What keeps a cruise ship floating above water?
Pier pressure!

Did you hear the latest trend is trampolines on cruise ships?
Now everyone is jumping on board!

Who is in charge of blowing their noses on a cruise?
The anchor chiefs!

Do you wanna hear a joke about the world’s fastest cruise ship?
It’s a quick one-liner!

I once took a Spanish class on a cruise ship
But I got lost at sí!

A nervous cruiser met the captain at the welcome reception. “Do ships like this sink very often?”
“No,” said the captain. “Just the once!”

Did you hear about the red cruise ship and the blue cruise ship that crashed into each other?
The survivors were marooned!

What did the sea say to the cruise ship?
Nothing - it just waved!

What do you call it when a load of footballers go on a cruise?
A sportsmanship!

Why couldn’t the cruise ship passengers play cards?
Because they were standing on the deck!

What sort of holiday do celebs go on?
A Tom Cruise!

What do you call a cruise liner full of psychologists?
A Freudian Ship!

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