20 Hanukkah Jokes for Some Festive Funnies
Feeling festive? Check out Beano's bountiful batch of hilarious Hanukkah jokes!
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Why do you put candles on top of a menorah?
It's too hard to put them on the bottom!

What did the loaf of bread say to the other loaf of bread at Hanukkah?
Happy challah days!

Why did the dreidel go to the doctor?
It kept getting dizzy spells!

Why are clowns not eaten at Hanukkah?
Because they taste funny!

How much Hanukkah gelt did the skunk get?
One cent!

Why was the broom late for work after the Hanukkah party?
It over-swept!

What do you call the speck that falls into the latke pan?
An unidentified frying object!

I asked the waiter if my latkes would be long.
He said no they will be round!

What did the stamp say to the Hanukkah card?
Stick with me and you'll go places!

What's a dreidel's favourite song?
You spin me right round!

What's a dreidel's favourite music artist?
Dr. Dreidel!

What do vegetables say to each other on Hanukkah?
Happea Hanukkah!

What did one potato pancake say to the other potato pancake?
I like you a latke!

What does Simba celebrate on December 22nd?
Hanukkah matata!

What did the boy call his dreidel?

What did the candles say when the menorah complained about getting too hot?
Whoa, a talking menorah!

What’s the best thing to put into the sufganiyot?
Your teeth!

What’s the difference between Hanukkah and a dragon?
One lasts for eight nights, the other sometimes ate knights!

What did the older Hanukkah candle say to the younger one?
You're too young to smoke!

Which hand is it better to light the menorah with?
Neither, it's best to light it with a candle!

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