20 Mullet Jokes To Laugh Your Hair Off To!
Get ready to laugh your head off - these jokes are business in front, party in back!
Mullets have been in fashion out of fashion, back into fashion - and maybe they're here to stay! Whether you're a mullet lover or a mullet hater, these jokes will make your hair stand on end! Don't forget to check out our other jokes too! We've got some on EVERY subject - have a laugh at the internet, Inside Out, and socks!
What’s the best thing about having a mullet?
You can go from business to party in less than a second!

I don’t want to eat a haircut…
But I might have to just bite the mullet!

I was going cut my hair on a whim, but I changed my mind…
I think I dodged a mullet there!

What do you call a mullet on a bald man?
A skullet!

Why is February like a mullet?
It seems short, but looking back – it’s actually quite long!

What did the mullet say to the hat?
“You go on ahead, I’ll trail behind!”

Every time a mullet reaches shoulder length…
An angel gets its denim jacket!

I’ve had a mullet for forty years now…
To be honest, it’s wearing a bit thin!

What do you call it when you get revenge on someone by getting a mullet?

I keep my herb garden like a mullet…
Basil in front, parsley in back!

What do you call a Scot with a bad haircut?
Mulet of Kintyre!

I just knew Superman could defeat Haircut Man…
He's faster than a speeding mullet!

What’s an Australian’s favourite drink?
Single mullet whisky!

What’s an Australian’s favourite Christmas drink?
Mullet wine!

How do people born into 80s make a decision?
They mullet over!

A man with a mullet walks into a bar…
The barman says, “The party’s in the back!”

How do you kill an Australian werewolf?
A silver mullet!

How do you decide which haircut to get?
You mullet over!

What do you call a woman with a mullet?
A mullette!

What did the mullet say to the hat?
“You cover the business, I’ll handle the party!”

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