20 Volcano Jokes That Will Make You Erupt Into Giggles!
Here's a collection of volcano jokes that totally rock!
Volcanoes are basically mountains full of fireworks and hot, thick sludge. Scientists prefer to call that lava. They're pretty dangerous but awesome to look at from a very safe distance (volcanoes, not scientists).
But despite their fiery glory, volcanoes not above some gentle fun at their expense – that's why we've popped on some over gloves and safety goggles to collect the best volcano jokes, like, ever!
Once you've laughed yourself silly at these jokes, why not take a look at our snappy crocodile jokes or these genius science jokes?
What do you call a volcano who watches TV all day?

What did the volcano say at dinner time?
I'd really lava pizza right now!

What do you call a volcano that never erupts?
A mountain!

How can you tell when a volcano is angry?
They blow their top!

When's the best time to make a volcano joke?
When the dust settles!

What did the dinosaur say to the pig when they saw a volcano explode?
Isn't it a lava-ly day?

Why should you never kick a volcano?
You might Krakatoa!

Why was the volcano bad-mannered?
They kept interrupting!

What do you say to a group of volcanoes messing around in class?
You're erupt to no good!

What do you say to a volcano who's being dramatic?
Stop overreacting!

What do you call a mountain with hiccups?
A volcano!

What do you get if you cross a volcano with a lightbulb?
A lava lamp!

What type of music does a volcano listen to?

What is a volcano's favourite game?
The floor is lava!

Where do volcanoes go when they need a wee?
The lava-tory!

What did the baby volcano call its mum?

What did one volcano say to the other volcano?
I lava you!

What happens if you drop a piece of volcanic rock on your foot?
You'll Krakatoa!

What happens when you tell a joke to a volcano?
They erupt with laughter!

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