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Watch Out For This Home Alone Booby Traps Quiz!

They're everyone's favourite bit - but how much do you know about the OOOOF-worthy booby traps in the Home Alone movies? Test yourself here!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Home Alone is a classic kids film... but one that's full of some really quite brutal booby traps! There are slips, trips and... feathers! Test your knowledge of all the most horrible parts of the Home Alone movies!

Warning: do not try any of these booby traps at home! Obviously! They're really dangerous! Once again, do not copy Kevin McAllister!

Let's go then, booby trap fans!

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Harry Lyme touches a red-hot doorknob – but what letter is on it?


In the first Home Alone, who slips on icy stairs?


Glue and... what?


What movie does the pigeon lady prank the Bandits in?


Who slips on some pearls in Home Alone 2?

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Who slips on Kevin's Micromachines in the first Home Alone?

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

What does Harry Lyme lose after THAT scene with a paint can?

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Which of these ISN'T a real booby trap in ANY of the Home Alone films?


What brand of soap is used to stop Marv in his tracks in Home Alone 2?


Why should you NEVER ever try to copy any of Home Alone's booby traps?

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Bah! Dear oh dear! This is the quiz version of getting covered in feathers! Unlucky! You'd better watch some more Home Alone movies and have another go! Better luck next time, would be burglars! Yeeeesh!

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Pretty good! This isn't a bad result - but looks like Kevin's booby traps still managed to get the better of you! Now if you want to keep on burgling you have two choices - have another go at this quiz and see if you can score a little higher, or try a different Home Alone quiz! Good luck!

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Wahoo! You know loads about the booby traps in Home Alone! Well done! Burglars had better stay away from your house! You didn't quite get full marks, on this quiz - but you almost did! Do you think you can beat this score on a different Home Alone quiz?

Home Alone | 20th Century Fox | Hughes Entertainment | Chris Columbus | Tarquin Gotch

Amazing! Your booby trap skills are unbelievable! You'd be able to soak Kevin himself in treacle! Well done! Now you can't beat this score (it's perfect!) but you might be able to match it on a different movie quiz? Let's find out!