Try This Christmas as Usual Trivia Quiz!
How much do you know about this hilarious Norwegian Netflix Christmas movie? Test yourself with this epic film quiz!
When Jashan visits his girlfriends family for Christmas in the Norwegian countryside, it takes them a while to get used to him! Do they put aside their traditional silliness and learn to have fun with him? Test your knowledge of this wholesome East-meets-West comedy with this ridiculous movie quiz!

What are the main characters's names?

Let's start off easy! Which cold country is Thea from?

In Norwegian Christmas, what day is the big day?

What is bitte lille julaften?

Does Hildegunn like Indian food?

What does the family usually eat at Christmas (instead of curry)?

What does Jashan do to try and fit in?

Where does Thea's ex boyfriend live?

What happens at the airport?

Where are Jashan and Thea planning to get married?

Bah! Unlucky! This isn't a great score - tough luck. Looks like you'd better watch the film again and have another go at this quiz! We're sure you can do a bit better next time! If not we have loads of other movie quizzes for you to try!

Pretty good! You definitely know a few things about this Christmas movie! We've seen better scores though - and unfortunately you missed out on a 10/10! You'd better have another go and see if you can score a bit higher! If not we have loads of other movie quizzes for you to try!

Great score! Well done! This is very impressive - you definitely know loads about this hilarious Christmas movie! You didn't quite get 10/10 but don't worry - we have lots of other quizzes to try if you want to beat this score!

Amazing score! 10/10! You nailed this quiz! Well done! You know so much about this movie that it would be impossible to score any higher! Cor! Now, are you ready to test your knowledge of a different movie? We have lots more quizzes like this!