Quiz: Guess the Old School School Dinner!
Can you name what these tasty lunchtime treats are? Take the quiz and find out!
Good luck!

What are these slabs of food next to the chips and peas?

What's this dinner than looks like crisps and meat?

What's this bowl of mince and potato otherwise known as?

What's this epic pudding?

Sometimes this pudding would be available at school – but not for long!

Now here's a classic dessert. Can you name it?

Do you remember what these things were called?

Name this dinner treat for another point!

What's this bowl of health called?

Wikimedia Commons
For a final point, can you tell us what this is?

Oh dear! We think you must take packed lunch to school!

Good effort! Have another go and try to get an even better score!

Great work! Have another go and try to get an even better score!

Amazing! You must love the idea of school dinners!