Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! All About Gnasher
Everything you need to know about Dennis's best pal
Who is Gnasher?
Gnasher is Dennis's pet dog and his best friend. They're completely inseparable. Gnasher even disguises himself as Dennis's backpack so he can sneak into school with Dennis! Gnasher is the perfect dog for a boy like Dennis. They both love adventures, pranking, hanging out with their friends and having a blam time! Dennis is also the perfect boy for a dog like Gnasher, because he doesn't mind getting into scrapes, getting muddy or running away from people who've been gnashed or whose sausages have been eaten from under their very noses. They're the perfect match!Gnasher is brave and loyal. He would never abandon Dennis, no matter what his spiky-haired owner did. Tripe hounds stick together, and Dennis is as good as any tripe hound in Gnasher's eyes.

What kind of dog is Gnasher?
Gnasher is an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound - this is a very rare breed of dog which comes from the mountains of Eastern Africa. Abyssianian wire-haired tripe hounds are world-famous for their thick black coats which are as strong and tangled as barbed wire, and their especially strong teeth, which can chew concrete and smash bricks (not to mention what they can do to a postman's trousers).

Do tripe hounds make good pets?
Sometimes it's tough looking after tripe hounds. They're not very tidy, and they make a terrible mess of the lawn when they bury their bones. Sausages are never safe, and the mail always looks as though it's been chewed up by a cement mixer (actually, it probably looks worse - Gnasher's teeth are stronger than any cement mixer).

Gnasher and the Dinmakers
Gnasher is the dancer and occasional maracas-shaker in the Dinmakers, Beanotown's fastest AND loudest garage band.The Dinmakers line-up is:Dennis - lead guitar and vocalsRubi - synthesiser (she made her own)JJ - drumsPieface - bass guitarGnasher - dancer (and he likes to shake his maracas from time to time)

Gnasher's fleas
Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hounds can be home to millions of fleas, and those fleas are really string because their dog's coat is so thick and gnarly. Fleas who find a home on a tripe hound usually stay forever. This is partly because they can't find their way back out again, but also because a tripe hound coat offers generous levels of privacy and insulation. Gnasher's fleas are never cold.Just like tortoises from the Galapagos Islands, the fleas on every tripe hound have unique skills. Gnasher's fleas are great at telling jokes, while the fleas on his son. Gnipper, are good at FIFA.
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